Skyddsfaktor protection factor cpp 2

General about Protection Factor

Protection factor is a measure of how much the concentration of pollutants decreases with the protection. A protection with a protection factor of 100 reduces the concentration of pollutants in the surrounding air by 100 times, for example, from 50 to 0.5 ppm.

Protection Factor / Exposure

The studies conducted on firefighting gear have analyzed the exposure of hazardous PAHs. Exposure is the opposite of protection factor, so if the exposure is, for example, 5% (which is equal to 1/20), the protection factor is 20.
An exposure of 5% is also equal to a protection of 95%.

Skydd 1000x vs 10x eng

Protection factor for CPP's undergarments

The exposure of PAH for a fire suit and CPPs undergarment is approximately 0.1% (average after 10 hours in dense smoke) compared to the exposure for a fire suit and standard undergarment, which is approximately 10%.

  • Fire suit and CPP have a protection factor of approximately 1000, meaning the protection is approximately 99.9%.
  • Fire suit and standard undergarment have a protection factor of approximately 10, meaning the protection is approximately 90%.

These protection factors apply to total PAHs. For PAHs in gaseous form, the difference is significantly higher.

Another "proof" to illustrate the protection is the comment from users "the skin and hair do not smell like smoke".